Model 201【NEW】
Dante対応 通訳用コンソール (メイン出力 x2 トークバック出力 x1)

Model 201は、プロの同時通訳者向けに設計された高性能なDante対応のコンソールです。
プロフェッショナルな通訳現場に求められる高い性能と柔軟性を兼ね備えたModel 201は、
- 2つの独立した通訳用オーディオチャンネルを作成可能。
- オーディオ機能を自由に設定でき、自動的にミュートや音量調整が可能。
特にインターネット配信やリモート通訳で有用。 - ヘッドフォンの音質は4つのイコライゼーション設定から選択可能。
- ボタンとロータリーコントロールで柔軟に設定を調整でき、「マイクミュート」ボタンで簡単にミュート操作が可能。
- トークバック機能で通訳者からスタッフへの連絡が可能。
- プレゼンターに話をゆっくり進めるよう通知する「スローダウン」機能を搭載。
- プロフェッショナル品質の音声処理、また低ノイズ・低歪みで高い信頼性を実現。
- Power-over-Ethernet(PoE)接続とマイク付きヘッドセットがあれば、簡単に使用が可能。
- 5ピンXLRコネクタやTRRSプラグなどさまざまなヘッドセットに対応。
- Danteオーディオオーバーイーサネット技術を採用し、AES67やDante Domain Managerとの互換性も完備。
- STcontrollerソフトウェアで詳細設定が可能。ニーズに応じたカスタマイズが簡単に設定可能。
Power Source
- Power-over-Ethernet (PoE), class 1 (very low power, ?3.84 watts), per IEEE 802.3af
Network Audio Technology
- Type: Dante audio-over-Ethernet
- AES67-2018 Support: yes
- Dante Domain Manager (DDM) Support: yes
- Bit Depth: 16, 24, or 32
- Sample Rate: 48 kHz
- Nominal Level: -20 dBFS
- Number of Transmitter (Output) Channels: 4
- Number of Receiver (Input) Channels: 4
- Dante Audio Flows: 4; 2 transmitter, 2 receiver
Network Interface
- Type: 100BASE-TX, twisted-pair Ethernet, Power-over-Ethernet (PoE)
- Data Rate: 100 Mb/s (10 Mb/s and 1000 Mb/s "GigE" Ethernet not supported)
Compatibility - Headset A
- single or dual-ear broadcast- or intercom-style with dynamic or electret (low-voltage DC-powered) microphone: pin 1 mic common; pin 2 mic; pin 3 phones common; pin 4 phones left; pin 5 phones right
Compatibility - Headset B
- CTIA-/AHJ configuration (typically uses electret powered mic): tip phones left; ring 1 phones right; ring 2 common; sleeve mic
Microphone Input
- Compatibility: dynamic or electret (low-voltage DC-powered)
- Type: unbalanced
- Electret Microphone Power: 3.3 volts DC via 2 k resistor, selected on/off
- Impedance: 1 k ohms, nominal, microphone power off; 680 ohms, nominal, microphone power on
- Gain: 24, 30, 36, 42, 48 dB, selectable
- Frequency Response: -3 dB at 40 Hz, ?1 dB at 16 kHz
- Distortion (THD+N): 0.022%, measured at ?20 dBFS, 22 Hz to 22 kHz bandwidth, 24 dB of gain
- Noise Floor: -95 dBFS, A-weighted, 24 dB of gain
- Dynamic Range: >96 dB, A-weighted, 24 dB gain
Microphone Compressor
- Threshold: 3 dB above nominal Dante output level (-17 dBFS), ±1 dB
- Slope: 2:1
- Status LED: compressor active
Headset Headphone Output
- Type: 2-channel (stereo)
- Compatibility: intended for connection to stereo (dual-channel) or monaural (single-channel) headsets with a nominal impedance of 50 ohms or greater
- Maximum Output Voltage: 3.0 Vrms, 1 kHz, 150 ohm load
- Frequency Response: 20 Hz to 20 kHz, +0/-1 dB
- Distortion (THD+N): <0.002%
- Dynamic Range: >93 dB
- Dim (Attenuation): 0, 6, 12, 18 dB, configurable
Confirmation Message Audio
- Number of Channels: 2, field updatable using USB flash drive
- Source Type: 16-bit monophonic, 48 kHz sample rate, WAV (.wav) files, stored in non-volatile memory
- Level: -20 dBFS nominal
- Duration: up to 40 seconds per WAV file
- Distortion: <0.0001%
- Frequency Response: 20 Hz to 20 kHz, +0/-0.7 dB
Feedthrough Capability
- Number of Channels: 2, field updatable using USB flash drive
- Sources: 4 Dante receiver (input) channels (Floor, Relay, Aux 1, Aux 2), selectable
- Frequency Response: 20 Hz to 20 kHz, +0/?0.7 dB
- Audio Attenuation (Dim): 0, 5, 10, 15, 20 dB, Full Mute, configurable
- Voice Detect Operation (VOX):
- Audio Bandpass: 185 to 1300 Hz, -3 dB
- Level Threshold: -44 dBFS at 400 Hz
- Minimum On Time: 385 mSec - VOX Minimum On Time: 1 second, 2 seconds, 3 seconds, 4 seconds, 5 seconds, 6 seconds, selectable
- Headset A: 5-pin female XLR
- Headset B: 4-conductor 3.5 mm TRRS jack, per Japanese standard JEITA/EIAJ RC-5325A
- Ethernet: Neutrik NE8FBH etherCON RJ45 jack (compatible with etherCON CAT5 plug)
- USB: type A receptacle (used for updating main firmware and loading WAV audio files)
- Studio Technologies' STcontroller personal computer application
Software Updating
- USB flash drive used for updating main firmware files; Dante Controller's Dante Updater application used for updating Dante interface firmware
- Operating Temperature: 0 to 50 degrees C (32 to 122 degrees F)
- Storage Temperature: -40 to 70 degrees C (-40 to 158 degrees F)
- Humidity: 5 to 95%, non-condensing
- Altitude: not characterized
Dimensions (Overall)
- 4.3 inches wide (10.9 cm)
- 2.1 inches high (5.4 cm)
- 5.1 inches deep (13.0 cm)
- intended for tabletop applications
- 1.2 pounds (0.55 kg)